Resource Library
Paediatric Resources
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Risk of Atopic Dermatitis:
A Population-Based Case Control Study
Sleep-Disordered Breathing in a Population-Based Cohort:
Behavioral Outcomes at 4 and 7 Years
Effects of mouth breathing on facial skeletal development in children:
A systematic review and meta-analysis
Impact of airway dysfunction on dental health
Impact of rapid palatal expansion on the size of adenoids and tonsils in children
The Association of Nocturnal Enuresis and Breathing Disorders in Children with Sleep Disordered Breathing: A Retrospective Review of Pediatric Cases Treated with a Preformed Monoblock Oral Appliance
High Risk of Sleep Disordered Breathing in the Enuresis Population
Resolution of Pediatric Chronic Rhinitis using Biomimetic Oral Appliance Therapy: A Case Report
Sleep Disordered Breathing and Risk for ADHD: Review of Supportive Evidence and Proposed Underlying Mechanisms
Association between oral habits, mouth breathing and malocclusion
Adult Resources
Restoration of sleep using a novel biomimetic protocol for adult OSA: Clinical case report
Changes in 3D nasal cavity volume after biomimetic oral appliance therapy in adults
A Novel Combined Protocol for the Resolution of Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Craniofacial Enhancement Using a Biomimetic Oral Appliance (/orthodontics/9866-craniofacialenhancement-using-a-biomimetic-oral-appliance)